Hunters Tool Kit


4CR15 Stainless
Thickness:  .100″
Dimensions:  2.5″ x 8″ x 1″
Sheath:  Nylon with PP insert
Kit Contains all 3 knives

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(Slim, Jim & Fatty) were designed to be simplistic, lightweight and purely functional knives.  The “up-Knife”, fondly named “Jim” zips through hide and body cavity of game with ease.  The “Caping” knife, fondly named “Slim”, with its signature curve and sharp point ensures that the hunter can elegantly reach all of the intricate places necessary to keep the cape intact for the taxidermist.  The “Skinning” knife, fondly named “Fatty”, makes quick work of the process regardless if the animal has been hanging for a day or a week.  With each tool having a generous belly and finger holes for a solid grip – this tool will not let you down.


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